Real Smile, Real Happiness

Real Smile, Real Happiness I turned thirty years old. As the uncertainty about the future intensified, my mind was filled with dissatisfaction. Even if I ran into any situation, I knew I had to have a positive mind. However, negative thoughts always came to my mind first. His self-justification was always there about 'How can a person only think positively!'. But there was always something in my heart that was not filled. I saw myself trying to fill that vanity with other things. And one of my friends suggested that I tried Meditation together with him. Through Meditation, little by little, I came to realize that my mind and thoughts were fake ones created by my life. As I meditated, I thought that I had lived my life very hard and difficult. I felt that the life I lived only for me was futile. I came to know that that mind eventually made me unhappy now. The only thing left for me, who had lived for only me, was jealousy, greed, hatred, envy, and inferiority complex. I gave up...